Residents invited to submit feedback to help identify budget priorities for the coming year
Cobourg, ON (December 15, 2023) – Each year, the Town of Cobourg undergoes an annual budget process to align the financial resources required to provide the programs and services that establish the high quality of life we enjoy in our community. The budget is presented by the Treasurer, with input from municipal staff on their individual departments. It is then presented to Council for review and deliberation prior to final approval.
Residents are encouraged to provide input and share feedback by completing the survey on Engage Cobourg before the deadline of Friday, January 5, 2024, at 12 p.m.
Community Engagement Objective
The objectives of the 2024 budget survey is to gain insight for Council on the programs and services residents value the most and what they feel requires additional funding and staff attention. The results of the community engagement survey will be presented to Council prior to the detailed budget review session in January so that Council will have insight from the community as they make their final budget decisions.
Full-Detailed Budget Review by Council
On January 9, 2024, Council will review the draft budget in its entirety. During this meeting, Council may request additional information from staff or make adjustments to the draft budget.
Strategic Priorities and Policy Standing Committee Meeting
January 9, 2024, at 9:00 a.m.
Council Chambers
Members of the public are invited to attend in person or watch from home via the Town of Cobourg eScribe website.
Stay Up to Date on the 2024 Budget:
Please follow the updates and discussion on Engage Cobourg and visit the Town of Cobourg's dedicated 2024 Budget webpage to learn more about how the Town of Cobourg determines its annual budget.
Register on Engage Cobourg Today!
Residents of the Town of Cobourg are encouraged to create a profile online and participate in current public engagement projects. To register on Engage Cobourg, an online public engagement platform designed to gather feedback and comments from residents, visit and click the Register Today! button. For questions or help registering please email