Visit to submit your ideas on the draft By-law by November 15th
Cobourg, ON (October 21, 2024) – The Town of Cobourg is seeking community input regarding an update to the Heritage Permit By-law.
Staff are currently reviewing the Town of Cobourg Heritage Permit By-law to improve efficiencies and timing for residents applying for minor alterations to their properties.
The Heritage Permit process allows the Town of Cobourg to ensure that the heritage value of a property is not diminished. The focus of the By-law update is to protect and preserve Cobourg’s built heritage, while making it easier for those who are requesting to make minor and/or compliant alterations to their property.
Community Engagement Tactics
Visit to review the engagement program in more detail. Use the “Ideas” tool to submit your thoughts or recommendations to staff.
Timelines and Next Steps
This community engagement program will be available until November 15, 2024.
Staff will collect all feedback and report back to Council at the Public Works, Planning and Development Committee meeting on November 27, 2024.
Community members are also invited to speak to this item at the November 11, 2024 Heritage Advisory Committee meeting.
Visit for more information.