(Issued July 12, 2021 at 11 a.m. EST) – The Municipal Council of the Town of Cobourg will hold a Public Meeting on Monday, August 09th, 2021 at 5:00 pm, regarding the complete application for the approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment by Marshall Homes under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c.P. 13, as amended.
THE PURPOSE of the meeting is to hear public submissions regarding a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for the vacant 2.53 hectare site located at the north-east corner of Densmore Road and Birchwood Trail abutting the Highway 401 Interchange. The rezoning would amend the existing Residential Four Exception 18 (R4-18) Zone (as amended by By-law #012-2005) to permit “Stacked Townhouses” to the list of permitted uses on the apartment block and increase the maximum density of the Subject Lands from 114 dwellings to 123 dwellings. The Subject Lands are designated as “Commercial/Residential” according to Schedule “H” of Elgin-Densmore Secondary Plan and zoned “Multiple Residential Four Exception 18 (R4-18)” in the Comprehensive Zoning By-law #85-2003.
How to participate in the Public Meeting
This Public Meeting of Council will be conducted via Zoom Videoconference. Due to COVID-19, if you wish to be a Participant at the Public Meeting in Victoria Hall you should register with Brent Larmer, Municipal Clerk, via e-mail at clerk@cobourg.ca or by phone at (905) 372-4301 no later than 12 p.m. (noon) on August 9, 2021 in order to obtain Zoom Videoconference access details.
Please ensure that you have a computer or tablet with good internet access to enable you to participate in the Public Meeting electronically. If you do not wish to participate by video, or do not have the necessary technology, you may use a telephone and call in to participate.
The details for participating in the hearing are as follows;
Web: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89266121784?pwd=ek1SWUhJY2JjUUZIbUtZd2F1MXd2Zz09
Phone: +1-647-374-4685 or +1 647-558-0588
Meeting ID: 892 6612 1784
Password: 647753
Alternatively, written submissions to the Municipal Clerk, 55 King Street West, Cobourg, Ontario, K9A 2M2 in advance of the Public Meeting are encouraged and will be made available to any interested person at the Public Meeting. Submissions may also be made after the Public Meeting and prior to the decision on the draft plan approval of a plan of subdivision, if approved by Council.
Citizens may also watch the LIVE the Public Meeting at www.cobourg.ca/escribe.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION which will enable the public to inspect and understand the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, including information about preserving your appeal rights, is available by contacting the Town's Planning Department at Victoria Hall during regular office hours c/o Adriane Miller, Administrative Assistant, at (905) 372-1005 or amiller@cobourg.ca and reference File Numbers: Z-05-21 or by visiting the municipal website www.cobourg.ca (Business & Development\Building & Planning\Planning & Development\Planning Applications). Those persons with rights of appeal of a Zoning By-law Amendment approval are set out in Section 34(19) of the Planning Act.